Vibration fitness from cosmonauts to the ordinary man

Performing exercises on a vibration exercise electro plate has become a thing of style to many a man these days. Originally cosmonauts underwent vibration exercises for muscular integrity and bone density to prevent and delay the weakening of muscles and bones while n space. A ten minute exercise on this equipment is equal to hours of manual exercise. Therefore it is popular with many busy personalities today.

All gyms and health centers and universities are equipped with vibration fitness machines they are very costly so they are stationed in these public exercise places where all people can make use of it. Vibration fitness is spectacularly seen in obese cases. The obese user can visibly see fat decreasing around the abdomen with vibration fitness. However this exercise must be accompanied by a low calorie diet. The results are stunning.

Vibration fitness makes the whole body fit. In manual exercise there are different exercises for different groups of muscles. In vibration fitness it is a whole body exercise. Hence the muscles in the entire body get an equal and simultaneous attention. We need to spend less time in vibration fitness when compared to other forms of exercising.